In 2013 we had a quickly growing community of vapers on Vaughn Live, so we decided to give them their own home. As the vaping trend grew, so did Between the drama and the negative press vaping received, growth at came to a grinding halt. We decided to leave running for those that wanted to use it, and in hopes of vaping's public image improving after taking such a harsh hit. Through the ups and downs of, thank you to those that supported us during that time. For now, however, we will be focusing our attention and resources on Vaughn Live. If you are a part of the vaping community, you are more than welcome to use the new Vaping category at Vaughn Live.

The stream keys for now point to Vaughn Live, if you have a stream on it has automatically been migrated to Vaughn Live's new Vaping category. The stream keys will continue to work until March 1, 2021. At that point you will need to use your Vaughn Live stream key to continue streaming.
2013 - 2021
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